Governance and Performance

Bridgewater Housing Association is a registered social landlord with the Scottish Housing Regulator.  We are also a Scottish Charity registered with OSCR.  These two facts mean that our governance (the accountability and the way it runs itself) is regulated and checked on an annual basis. Housing Associations have a set of rules that set out the basic structure of how it is governed. 

Each year all Registered Social Landlords/Housing Associations submit data to the Scottish Housing Regulator outlining how we have performed in the previous year against a set of standards. These standards are detailed in the Scottish Social Housing Charter and are published by the Scottish Housing Regulator showing performance information across the sector.

Bridgewater sends all tenants an Annual Review each year, including our Charter Performance.  You can help us assess our performance or help us agree on the format for the information we send to customers; for more information about how to get involved, please contact us.